Ingredient amounts per person
1-2 medium white Sweet Potato
1/4 cup diced pineapple chunks
1/4 cup chopped protein (chicken, tofu, etc)
T chopped onions and/or garlic 
1 cup chopped or bite-size vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, peas, or red peppers
Handful dark leafy vegetables such as kale or spinach
T tomato sauce (or butternut-tomato sauce blend)
Tsp whole aromatic spices such as coriander, cumin, cardamon, turmeric, cloves, and allspice, sesame seeds, etc
1/2 tsp ground aromatic spices such as coriander, cumin, cardamon, turmeric, cloves, and allspice, sesame seeds, etc
small splash of soy sauce or fish sauce
Herbs such as parsley or cilantro

1) Dice potatoes and blanch in boiling water until just barely soft.  Remove and drain.

2) Heat pan on medium with oil.  When hot, place any whole aromatic spices in the oil until they start popping, which should only take 10-30 seconds.  Immediately add onions/garlic and turn down heat and cook until just barely soft, then add blanched potatoes and vegetables.  Add a bit more oil and allow to cook, stirring only occasionally to prevent burning but to allow the potatoes to brown a bit and the vegetables to soften.  

3) Add pineapple chunks, any additional ground aromatic spices, soy sauce or fish sauce, and protein.  Heat until pineapple and protein are warm.  

4) Add tomato sauce and cook until absorbed by potatoes. 

5) Turn off heat and toss in dark leafy vegetables and any herbs.  Allow to sit for up to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally so that they wilt slightly.  Serve immediately.  

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